Having created two hit series, “The Good Wife” and its spinoff, “The Good Fight,” married producers Robert and Michelle King have come up with something more sinister: the critically-acclaimed “Evil,” featuring scary stories laced with absurdity and humor about the presence of evil in mundane settings. The Kings talk with correspondent Serena Altschul about their religious backgrounds, and about creating a show described as a funny version of “The Exorcist.”
The race, which is a mile-and-a-half long and drew only eight horses this year, marked the end of the Triple Crown season.
Here’s a look at the top stories making headlines on the “CBS Weekend News with Adrianna Diaz.”
Fifteen women have gone to the French authorities with allegations of sexual assault against Gerald Marie.
Buzzfeed.com managing editor Whitney Jefferson joined CBS News’ Tanya Rivero and Michelle Miller to outline tips to save money and reduce food waste as inflation hits a 40 year high.
The CDC has announced that air travelers coming to the United States will no longer need to provide a negative COVID-19 test to enter the country. Michael George has the latest.
China’s defense minister said the United States is trying to “hijack” the support of countries in the Asia-Pacific region to turn them against Beijing.
The U.S. House this week approved a wide-ranging gun control bill that has little chance of passing the Senate.
A spokesperson for Russia’s foreign ministry called it a “routine — twice a year — procedure.”
Alaska elections officials have released initial vote counts in the special primary for the state’s only U.S. House seat.